Allergies are a major underlying cause of acute and chronic
illness. At the Center for Optimum Health, we are able to
completely eliminate most allergies using the Nambudripad
Allergy Elimination Technique (N.A.E.T.).
Once treatment is complete, which can mean as little as
one treatment or many treatments for the severely allergic
individual, elimination of that specific allergen for life
is the likely result. Dr. Nambudripad claims an 80-90% cure
rate for most allergens, thus greatly increasing a person's
chances for recovery from many acute and chronic conditions.
N.A.E.T. treatments involve a 20-minute exposure to an allergen
while treating specific acupuncture points with acupresssure,
an activator device, mild infrared stimulation, and/or acupuncture
needles. Staying away from the allergen for a specific time
period is the next step. Being checked to see if the allergen
has "cleared" completes the allergy elimination treatment