- Bastyr University - Naturopathic Medicine - in practice since 1992
- Diplomate in Naturopathic Family Medicine
- Naturopathic Medical License in Connecticut & Arizona
- Comprehensive Medical Nutritional Biochemical/Molecular Analysis since 1995
- Biological Medicine Seminars - certified since 1997
- Biological Terrain Analysis - certified since 2000
- Dr. Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) - certified since 1999
- Isopathic Homeopathic Dental Seminar - certified since 1997
- Isopathic Homeopathic Seminar - certified since 1998
- American Academy of Neural Therapy: Course A & B, The
Neurology of the Autonomic Nervous System - certified since 1996
- American Academy of Neural Therapy: Psyche Kinesiology Biofeedback
Guided Dialog with the Subconcious - certified since 1996
- American Academy of Neural Therapy; Neural Kinesiology Division:
Courses I, II, III - certified since 1997
- Level I, II and Advanced Seminars for Electrodermal Screening - certified since 1993
- Homeopathy & Homotoxicology Seminars - certified since 1993
- International Foundation for Homeopathy Seminars - certified since 1986
- Biovibrational Healing - certified since 1990
- Soft Tissue Orthopedics Division of International Systemic
Health Organization - certified since 1990
- Treating Vulvodynia for 17 years in private practice